MS Fehlermeldung 9874

  • Hallo zusammen,

    gibt es mittlerweile ein FIx für das Problem ?

    Unerwarteter Fehler 0x50a bei 'EcProcessVirusScanQueueItem' während des Virenscans.
    Postfachdatenbank: /o=Exchange/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Configuration/cn=Servers/cn=Exchange/cn=Microsoft Private MDB
    Ordner-ID: 1-24
    Nachrichten-ID: 1-B578CDA77

    Workarounds =


    There are a couple of possible workarounds for this problem:

    Open all messages with attachments using OWA/Outlook client. This should trigger re-scan of the embedded messages and stamp them with the up-to-date stamp.


    Ignore events 9874 reporting error 0x50a for the time being. We are working on the fix for this problem. The fix should be available with one of the Rollup Packages for SP1. We may be able to provide you with an Interim Update in the near future to provide a relief until the Rollup Package containing the final fix is in progress.

    Vielen Dank Gruß Micha :)